Aqua Dental
About this clinic
I Still Remember ...
I still remember my first dental appointment ever ….
I remember the pictures on the wall that day, the white walls , the white lab coat, the dentist and my dad discussing the extraction needed… I’m still trying to forget.
A few years later, I remember my teeth relapsing after my orthodontic work at age 14. All that money my father spent for my braces….Gone. We couldn’t afford it at the time, but he still managed to get it done for me, only for it to relapse.
“There has to be a better way.” I thought. That was the seed for my career in dentistry.
I remember my first job after graduating from dental school, the little film radiograph, trying to show the patient the cavity on the radiograph through sunlight from the window. Children getting restless in the chair after a few minutes, fears, anxiety. “There has to be a better way”.
And so….Aqua Dental was born.
Dentistry from the heart, with respect, compassion and care.
Be our guest.
Dr. Huda Abu-Jarad